Expert Consult

A Private Medical Practice located in Beverly Hills, CA
Expert Consult

Expert Consult services offered in Beverly Hills, CA

Have you gotten a surprising medical diagnosis? Did your doctor recently tell you that you need surgery? Getting unexpected news about your health can be scary, and getting a second opinion is essential. At the practice of David Ramin, M.D., in Beverly Hills, California, Dr. Ramin offers the expert opinion you need to make the best decisions for your health. To schedule your expert consult appointment, call the office or use the online booking tool.

Expert Consult Q&A

What is an expert consult?

Navigating medical care can be complex. Dr. Ramin offers expert consults and second opinions to help you make more informed decisions about your health and treatment options.


In an expert consult appointment, Dr. Ramin works with you to confirm or challenge the diagnosis, treatment plan, or medical advice you received from your primary healthcare provider.


Seeking an expert consult doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t trust your current healthcare provider. Instead, it’s a valuable tool to ensure you get the best and most appropriate care for your unique needs.

When should I get an expert consult?

Consider getting an expert consult anytime you receive a significant diagnosis or treatment recommendation, especially if you have questions or feel uncomfortable with your current care provider.


Sometimes, your health insurance provider might request a second opinion. In other cases, an expert consult can offer peace of mind and more information to help you decide about your care.


If you’ve been diagnosed with a serious or complex medical condition, a second opinion can provide additional insight into your diagnosis and treatment options. If you’ve been recommended for surgery or you’ve undergone a procedure or treatment that wasn't successful, a second opinion can help identify potential alternatives or underlying issues.


An expert consult can also help if you’re concerned that your current treatment plan isn’t effectively managing your symptoms or if you’ve received conflicting information about your health from different healthcare providers.

What does an expert consult include?

As an experienced physician, Dr. Ramin aims to help you make the best decisions about your health and treatment options. He starts with a comprehensive exam and a thorough review of your medical history.


Dr. Ramin can provide insight into a range of chronic conditions, including arthritis and diabetes. He also offers echocardiograms, ultrasounds, and other tests in the office to confirm or challenge your initial diagnosis.


If you need surgery, he can conduct a pre-operative evaluation to help you understand the risks and benefits of the procedure.

Seeking a second opinion is important in making informed decisions about your health care. To schedule an expert consult appointment with Dr. Ramin, contact the office by phone or online today.