
A Private Medical Practice located in Beverly Hills, CA

Echocardiogram services offered in Beverly Hills, CA

If you have heart problems, you might need imaging tests that provide more detailed information about this major organ. An echocardiogram offers a safe way to check your heart without exposing you to ionizing radiation. At the practice of David Ramin, M.D., Dr. Ramin provides echocardiograms for men and women in Beverly Hills, California, who need a diagnosis for heart problems. To schedule an appointment, call the office or request an appointment online.

Echocardiogram Q&A

How does an echocardiogram work?

Echocardiograms produce detailed images of your heart through the use of sound waves. When Dr. Ramin looks at your echocardiogram, he watches how your heart beats and how it pumps blood. Any abnormalities help Dr. Ramin determine if you have heart problems, such as problems with your valves.

Why do I need an echocardiogram?

Dr. Ramin might recommend an echocardiogram if you have signs of heart problems, such as chest pain or trouble breathing. You might also need to have an echocardiogram if you have possible problems with your heart chambers or valves.

What kinds of echocardiograms are there?

You might have one of four types of echocardiograms, which depends on what symptoms you’re having or what Dr. Ramin suspects might be affecting your heart. These include the following:

  • Doppler echocardiography for measuring how fast blood flows and in what direction it moves through your heart
  • Transthoracic echocardiogram that uses sound waves to produce detailed images of your heart
  • Transesophageal echocardiogram that involves inserting a tube with a transducer down your esophagus to get a clearer image of your heart
  • Stress echocardiogram that involves getting ultrasound images while you do physical activity

Are echocardiograms safe?

Echocardiograms don’t expose you to ionizing radiation like X-rays or CT scans. During these tests, you shouldn’t experience any significant discomfort. If you have a transthoracic echocardiogram, you might feel slight discomfort when electrodes come off your chest. 

After a transesophageal echocardiogram, you might have a sore throat for a bit. If you have a stress echocardiogram, your heart might beat at an irregular rate while you do physical activity. If you have any concerns about having an echocardiogram, you should discuss these with Dr. Ramin.

What can I expect during a standard transthoracic echocardiogram?

When you come in for this type of echocardiogram, you’ll have electrodes placed on your body. You’ll also have gel on your skin that allows technicians to slide the transducer across it with ease. This sensor emits a high-pitched sound that you won’t be able to hear. That makes sound waves that produce images of your heart for Dr. Ramin to examine. If he notices any abnormal results, he'll discuss treatment options with you.

If you need more information on echocardiograms or if you have heart-related symptoms, please call David Ramin, M.D., or make an appointment online.